How to join a TRC-780 to the Network

How to join a TRC-780 to your network via URC's 2.4 GHz RF

The TRC-780 is the only URC in-hand remote that uses URC's 2.4GHz RF technology to communicate natively with an MRX-10.  All other in-hand remotes use WiFi.  The pairing process to communicate with the TRC-780 requires an additional step.  Follow the steps below to discover and assign a TRC-780.

  1. Hold down Main + Enter at same time for 5+ seconds.  this brings the remote to the user Settings screen.
  2. Navigate to page 3 of the Settings by using the Nav-right button on the right of the Main button.
  3. Select the "Join Network" option.  this puts the remote into "Discovery Mode"
  4. In  Step 6: Network Settings/URC Devices, the TRC-780 appears in the "Discover via MRX-10" section.  Click Refresh to discover the remote.  Any TRC-780 remotes that are currently in "Discover Mode" are displayed on the right side of the screen.  Use the unique MAC address to identify multiple remotes. Select the TRC-780 and click Assign.  This assigns the selected remote to the program.  
  5. Also note the TRC-780 requires a USB connection to download the programming.

​TIP:  If you can not discover the TRC-780 try highlighting it on the left and hitting the "clear" button or Delete on the keyboard.  This officially clears out any old remote information.


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