Mac Parallels and USB Connection Issues

Many installers and programmers use a Mac laptop or desktop computer with Parallels running a Windows OS (Operating System).
A Windows OS is required to run various URC programming software for the Complete Control and Total Control product lineups.
We have seen scenarios where the Windows side in Parallels does not recognize the USB-connected URC remote or other URC device plugged into the USB port.  

This can be fixed by watching the YouTube video shown below and making the adjustment noted to resolve your Mac Parallels and USB Connection Issues.

Mac Parallels and USB Connection Issues

Problem:  We have seen situations where the Windows OS side in Parallels does not recognize the USB remote plugged into the Mac USB port(s).
Solution:  The step to resolving this issue is shown in the following YouTube video:

Please note: This solution references Windows 10 OS and Parallels 16 Desktop. If using any later versions of Windows (Windows 11) or Parallels 17 Desktop, please refer to this forum entry:

Thanks to Mike B. at Mt. Lookout Television for this tip.

Additional Information & Resources:

To learn more about Total Control programming, please see the Accelerator 3 online Programming Guide.

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