Regional Character Support: Unicode Troubleshooting

Unicode Troubleshooting

Due to regional character support, it is possible to encounter a situation where text is not displayed correctly within the Accelerator software and/or on URC user interfaces.

Examples where characters are not supported:

Unsupported characters within Accelerator

Unsupported characters on URC Interface

To solve this issue, Worldwide Language Support must be enabled on the PC used for programming.

Perform the following:

  1. Select the Start Menu icon.
  2. Select the Settings icon. This opens a new window.
  3. On the Settings menu, select Time & Language. This opens a new window.
  4. Select Region from the options on the left.
  5. Under Related settings, select the Additional date, timeregional settings link. This opens a new window.

  6. Under Region, select the Change date, time, or number formats link. This opens a new window.
  7. Select the Administrative tab.
  8. Select the Change system locale… button. This opens a new window.
  9. Select the empty checkbox to enable Worldwide UTF-8 Worldwide Unicode Language Support.
  10. Select OK.
  11. The PC prompts for a restart. Save any necessary work and restart the PC to complete this process.

Additional Information & Resources:

To learn more about Accelerator 3 configuration and programming, please see the Accelerator 3 online Programming Guide.

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