TRF-ZW Cannot Connect to the Gateway


Customer is unable to connect to the TRF-ZW gateway


  1. Power up the gateway controller - though very simple, this case may happen more often than not. Assure that the unit is plugged in using the provided power supply to both a power source and securely plugged into the gateways power input.  It’s also important to review the LED lighting on the unit to ensure the unit is connected to the servers properly. Please see TRF-ZW LED Light Troubleshooting
  2. If the unit tends to reboot often (the LEDs light up into a continuous cycle) the power adapter might be faulty and may require replacement.
  3. If the Customer has issues with the connectivity of the unit, the LAN cable used may be faulty or if unit is connected wirelessly, it may be out of range of the main router’s WiFi network. Move the gateway closer to the wire access points and assure that the signal is good.
  4. Customer has a restricted network. Sometimes routers may block ports required by the controller to communicate with the servers. This is typically caused by a firewall rule or aggressive firewall rules which try to restrict the network, though sometimes this can cause more issues than it’s preventing (slow internet speed).  Please see Network Settings for more about configuring the network. The most important ones are 443 (HTTPS), 232 (Relay Tunnel), 554 (RTSP streaming),   The list below contains all the ports that are being used by the platform:

MMS: 443

Relay: 23, 232, 252, 443, 554

Web: 443

Log: 2232, 21

Storage: 8443, 21, 20

Please also see Can't Assign a TRF-ZW Z-Wave Gateway


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