URC Lighting: TRF-ZW10 LED Status Light Indicators

The TRF-ZW10 unit has two LED indicator lights on the front; a Power Indicator (Left) and a Status Indicator (Right).  There are several different status scenarios. See below for LED status and potential resolution.

Power LED (Left)
Network Connection Complete
Flashing Blue
Connecting to Network
Wait until connection is complete

Status LED (Right)
BlueNetwork OK. Z-Wave OK, Base Station (BS) OKN/A
Flashing BlueConnecting to NetworkWait until connection is complete
Yellow (Amber)Base Station Connect OK & Z-Wave InitializingDownload to ZW-10*
RedBase Station Connect FailDownload to ZW-10*
Flashing RedNetwork FailureCheck network configuration i.e. ZW-10 has an IP address, discoverable on network and in Accelerator/Flex

* If performing a download does not resolve the issue, please contact URC technical support for further troubleshooting assistance.

Additional Information & Resources:

Please refer to the section on URC Lighting for additional information using URC Lighting in Accelerator 3.

Please refer to the article URC Dimmer (LT-3100) Parameters for additional information on setting device parameters.

Please refer to the article URC Switch (LT-3200) Parameters for additional information on setting device parameters.

Please refer to the article URC Dimmer/Switch (LT-3300) Parameters for additional information on setting device parameters.

Please refer to the article URC Dimmer/Switch (LT-3300) Specifications for additional information for this device.

Please refer to the article  LT-3300 Single Pole Connection Examples for additional information for this device.

Please refer to the article  LT-3300 3-Way Connection Examples for additional information for this device.

To learn more about Accelerator 3 configuration and programming, please see the Accelerator 3 online Programming Guide.

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